
Rabbi Goldstein brought insight, clarity, and joy to her presentation at our Keepers of Jewish Excellence series. Very well received by all!”
Rabbi Benett Miller, Temple Anshe Emeth, New Jersey
My deepest thanks for the incredible scholar-in-residence weekend you shared with us at Beth Tikvah. Your teachings were eye-opening, inspiring, and everyone who attended was thoroughly engaged and enriched by the experience!"
Rabbi Jarrod Grover, Beth Tikvah Congregation, Toronto, Canada
A Sample of Lecture/Study Topics:
Women and Judaism
“Women are from Genesis, Men are from Leviticus!” Do Women and Men Read the Bible Differently?
Women, Power and Powerlessness in the Torah
Jewish Feminism: Probing the Past to Forge the Future
Blood and Water: A Jewish Feminist Looks at the Leviticus “Taboos”
Wives, Witches and Whores: (In)Famous Women of the Hebrew Bible
General Judaica
Looking for God In All The Wrong Places
Jewish Unity: Is It Good For the Jews?
The Power of Prayer Halleluyah!
Life and Death and Meaning: Judaism and The Big Questions (Can also be a 3 or 4 session class)
The Bible to Buber: Evolving Jewish Ideas about God
Especially For Inter-Faith or Christian Groups
Paradigms of Relationship in the Book of Genesis
The Meaning of Holiness in Judaism
Women and Religion: The Last Male Bastion Faces Feminism
For Educators
Beyond Information: Transformational Adult Education
Rabbi Goldstein is also available to teach Torah study with commentaries, traditional text study, or “turn your congregation into a Beit Midrash” for a day. Other topics are available, please contact me for a consultation.
Get in touch so we can start learning together.
“Elyse is a master teacher who “has it all”—a commanding presence, a warm and approachable persona, and most important, a wellspring of knowledge.” Kathy Gordon, Buffalo, NY
“It was so wonderful to have a scholar visit who had both a command of Hebrew and a penetrating intellect. You were so energetic and responsive to your listeners. Your talk was so thought-provoking that we have been talking about it for days!” Lona Farhi, Rochester, NY
I have given lectures, discussions, book talks, spoken on panels and led full weekends for too many congregations and institutions to name! Here are just a few:
Harvard University Divinity School (Theological Opportunities Program)
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Alumni-in-Residence
Congregation Bnei Israel, Boca Raton, FLA
Agency for Jewish Education, Columbus, Ohio
UJA/NERegion, River Edge New Jersey
Jewish Community of Bermuda
BINA Institute English Beit Midrash, Tel Aviv Israel
The Conservative Yeshiva, Jerusalem, Israel
Women's League Study Day, Jerusalem, Israel
Temple Israel, Dayton Ohio
Temple Kol Ami, Scottsdale, AZ
Bates College, Lewison, Maine
Brenau University, Gainesville, GA
Keepers of Jewish Excellence Series, Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple, New Brunswick, NJ
Limmud: London, England; Boston, MA; Miami, FLA; Detroit, MI; Phoenix, AZ; Toronto, ON
Wexner Heritage Programme: Cincinnati, OH and Washington, DC
Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore, Spring Lecture Series
Brandeis University National Women’s Committee, Keynote Speaker
Network of Christian Biblical Storytellers Canada, Convention Keynote Speaker
Church of the Redeemer, Biblical Scholarship Series, Toronto, ON
Rabbi Joel Wasser Memorial Scholar in Residence, Congregation Kol Ami, Tampa, FLA
World Parliament of Religion
Everett Centre Scholar in Residence, Chautauqua Institution
Chautauqua Insitutution: 2PM Hall of Philosophy Speaker